What Is an H&I Meeting?
The purpose of an H&I meeting is to carry the message of recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings.
H&I meetings, except for those in long-term facilities, are intended to introduce those addicts in attendance to the basics of the NA program. An H&I meeting is generally a service provided by an area service committee’s H&I subcommittee.
These meetings occur in hospitals, treatment centers, correctional facilities, and adolescent institutions. H&I subcommittees do not provide transportation for residents to outside NA meetings. Providing rides could create a liability for the H&I subcommittee and the Institution.
All H&I meetings/presentations are closed to outside participation. The only people to attend H&I meetings are the panel leader, panel chair, panel member, and speaker, or anyone approved by the H&I subcommittee to go into that H&I meeting.
If there is any confusion over whether or not a meeting should be an H&I meeting/presentation or a regular meeting, please contact your H&I subcommittee for assistance.