P.O. Box 326, Troy, Ohio 45373
Serving: Miami, Shelby, Darke Counties of Ohio
(937) 970-5440
Narcotics Anonymous is a global organization, with a multi-lingual and multicultural membership. NA members hold more than 58,000 meetings weekly in 131 countries.
We are not affiliated with any outside organizations including other 12 Step programs, governments, religions, churches, law enforcement, recovery houses, rehabilitation centers, addiction counseling and mental health organizations.*
We offer recovery from the effects of addiction through working the Narcotics Anonymous Twelve Step program and the therapeutic value of one recovering addict helping another.
*If your Organization would like more information on how we can cooperate to help addicts -or- if your Institution would like to have a meeting for in-house clients that cannot possibly attend outside meetings, our Public Relations and Hospitals and Institutions Subcommittees would like to meet with you. Please reach out!